About Me

“You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.”
– Alan Watts

I was born on January 31, 1984. For me, fighting has always been a special interest. Not that I wanted to hurt others; I never liked violence. But the struggle, when everything in you moves, when you find out what you’re made of, and all this in the context of a game, has always been a wonderful experience for me.

It all started with me wrestling a lot with my dad. And then with judo I entered a world where I still go with awe, where I forget everything else, where the effort and pure joy of training awaits me.

The next important stage was Thai boxing, which I learned under the guidance of Master Gömöri Csaba. He had a unique training method. He received few students, but dealt with them on a personal basis. I think of him with gratitude to this day.

Later I started to practice Wing Chun Kung Fu and Jeet Kune Do besides Thai Boxing. Bruce Lee has been an inspiration to me since I was a child, and still is today. I found a real home in Master Juhász’s school. I learned a lot there. I was in the gym every day. There were training camps and competitions. For ten years my life was all about martial arts. Excellent teachers and talented, dedicated training partners helped me to improve.

In preparation for a Sanda Competition I had the pleasure to meet László Flóris, who is a very good boxing coach and who I think of as a friend.

It was a big moment in my life when one of my most outstanding teachers and friend, Master Péter Németh, asked me to teach Jeet Kune Do at his school, the 11 Master Martial Arts School, where I was able to continue my martial arts studies for 5 years until I moved to Vienna.

After I moved to Vienna, I was taken on as a private student by Master Gianfranco Lanucara, under whom I later took my Panantukan Instructor exam. I also learned a lot from him during my trips to Brussels, at the Manonuda Martial Arts School.

I think of all my masters with gratitude, because they shared their valuable experience with me and helped me develop. I would like to at least mention them, as a way of expressing my gratitude:

  • „Uncle” Géza ( Judo )
  • Sensei Csaba Gömöri ( Thai Boxing, Aikido )
  • Sensei Balázs Szabó ( Aikido )
  • Sifu Zoltán Juhász ( WingChun, JKD, Kali )
  • Guro Péter Németh ( WingChun, JKD, Kali )
  • Sifu Péter Hegedűs ( WingChun )
  • Sifu Zsolt Hegyi ( WingChun )
  • Sifu Tamás Lányi ( JKD )
  • Master László Flóris ( Boxing )
  • Peter Weckauf ( Panantukan )
  • Maestro Stanislaw Krucinski ( Fencing )
  • Mastru Antonio Faedda ( Nudda Boxing )
  • Guro Gianfranco Lanucara ( Panantukan, JKD, Kali )
  • Bartosz Sieniawski ( Polish Saber Fencing )
  • Guro Flavio Ruiz van Hoof


Szederkényi Marcell